Message from Sirius College Coordinators

Important Dates




Labour Day Public Holiday


Year 5s on Camp to Mt Evelyn


Dallas Campus Photo Day


Harmony Day


Students finish Term 1


Easter Monday Public Holiday


Students commence Term 2


NAPLAN Online Assessments commence (Years 3 & 5)

Student Services Coordinator

Hello Sirius families,

We are proud to announce the opening of our new Play Pods. You may have noticed 3 new Play Pods in our school yard and already heard exciting feedback from your student. This is an amazing new initiative we have been working on for months. Each item has been carefully selected to enhance your child’s play time and promote activity, positive interaction and creativity.

All students were invited to a induction seminar discussing the Play Pods and how important it was to show respect, honesty, sharing and responsibility while using the equipment. Our class and vice captains, and SRC students are part of the team of Pod Captains who help take care of the opening and closing of the pods and are in charge of keeping them neat and tidy. Each item has been labelled and colour coded to match the corresponding year level pod.

On Tuesday our play pods were finally unveiled and opened for the very first time at lunchtime. Students were happily playing with various equipment such as skipping ropes, chalkboards, whiteboards, new basketballs, soccer balls, cricket sets, baseball gloves and balls, pick up sticks, kids charades, downballs and many more interactive sporting and creative pieces of equipment.

We look forward to watching our students learn and grow through play, and positive interactions with one another.

Kind regards,

Nevine Guzel
Student Services Coordinator.